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종교개혁기념 루터 영화 상영안내
2017. 10. 13

Dear Fuller Theological Seminary;

Great news! We are hosting a special one-time screening of the new Martin Luther movie on Friday, October 27th, 2017.  The show starts @7:00PM (Doors open at 6:00pm).  The film will be shown in the main sanctuary at Trinity Lutheran Church in San Gabriel, CA.  We would love to include the students, faculty and families of Fuller to join in this, our 500th anniversary celebration of the Reformation.

Join us for one hour before the show for food, beverages and stay after for socializing!  

The film tells the rousing adventure story that was Martin Luther's life, following his bold quest for truth—a journey that would reshape the church, and the world.

Here is the trailer for the film: https://vimeo.com/154364811

To reserve your tickets, please reply here: http://martinluthermovie.brownpapertickets.com/  Tickets must be reserved before the show.  We are limiting the number of attendees to 150.  

We’d love to see you in the audience, and really appreciate you helping us spread the word. Tell your other friends and have them join us for this special one-time screening.

Thanks for all your support!

Trinity Lutheran Church, San Gabriel, CA

풀러신학대학원 재학생 여러분


좋은 소식 전합니다! 2017  10  27  금요일에 마틴 루터 (Martin Luther) 영화의 특별 상영회가 있습니다영화 상영은 오후 7 (오후 6시에 개장)부터 시작됩니다 영화는 캘리포니아  가브리엘 (San Gabriel)에있는 트리니티 루터 교회 (Trinity Lutheran Church) 대예배당에서 상영됩니다. 종교개혁 500 주년 기념 행사에 풀러 재학생교수진  가족들도 함께 하게 되시기를 바랍니다.


영화상영  시간 전에 오시면 저희가 준비한 음식  다과를 함께 즐기실  있으며 영화가 끝난 후에 교제를 나누시기 바랍니다.


 영화는 이 땅의 교회와 세상을 변혁시킨마틴 루터의 삶, 진리를 담대히 추구하는 그의 열정적인 모험을 담고 있습니다

다음은 영화 예고편입니다https://vimeo.com/154364811


티켓을 예약하시려면 다음 주소로 회신해 주세요:  http://martinluthermovie.brownpapertickets.com/

티켓은 공연 전에 예약해야 합니다참석인원은 150 명으로 제한됩니다.


 특별한 영화상영에  참석해 주시고, 지인분들에게도 이 행사에 대하여 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.





트리니티 루터 교회, San Gabriel, CA

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