Mark Lau Branson and Jinna Jin
Working from practical theology method, this course will attend our cultural context, narratives of God’s disruptive initiatives in scripture, and a reshaping of leadership theories with a priority on God’s agency. Through bible commentaries, using a missional lens on the bible, examining leadership theories in light of scripture, this course will focus on bible and missional ecclesiology.
Students will (1) describe and reflect on previous ministry experiences; (2) articulate an understanding of biblical narratives regarding God’s mission; (3) articulate leadership theories relevant to their ministry context (4) apply course frameworks for leadership to exercises regarding specific cases, related to the biblical narratives.
This class meets once per week for three-hour sessions for a total of 30 hours of synchronized online instruction for lecture and discussion (Thursday 2-5pm, 온라인 실시간 강의 서부시간 매주 목요일 오후 2-5시, 한국 시간 금요일 오전 7-10시), plus 10 hours of directed learning activities including social media and web activities, videos, conversations, and videos, for a total of 40 instructional hours. Course time will include lectures, individual and group exercises, reflective discussions of materials and experiences, and guest speakers.
학교 규정 4 unit: 1500pp/ 8 unit: 3000pp에서 본 수업은 1405pp (4units) /2788pp (8 units) 독서할 것
(The reading materials will be added on Canvas)
Branson, Mark Lau, and Roxburgh, Alan. God’s Agency—Disruptions—Leadership. Wipf and Stock Publication, 2020. [48 pp. assigned].
Goheen, Michael. Korean translation of Light to the Nations (열방의 빛을). 복있는 사람, 2012. ISBN 9788963600802. Pub. Price 19,800 won. [411 pp.]
Hooks, Bell. Korean translation of Teaching Critical Thinking (비판적 사고 가르치기). 박영스토리, 2019. ISBN 9791189643737, Pub. Price 14,000 won. [4 unit 70pp. assigned/ 8 unit 190 pp.]
Jipp, Joshua W. Korean translation of Saved by Faith and Hospitality (환대와 구원). 새물결 플러스, 2019. ISBN: 9791161291253. Pub. Price: 17,000 won. [4 unit 96pp. assigned/ 8unit 342pp.]
Roxburgh, Alan. and Romanuk, Fred. Korean translation of Missional Leader (선교적 교회의 리더십), CLC, 2018. ISBN 9788934119111. Pub. Price 15,000 won [275 pp assigned.]
Wright. N.T. Korean Translation of Acts for everyone Part 1 (사도행전1 모든사람을 위한). IVP, 2019. ISBN 9788932816838. Pub. Price 13,000 won. [304pp.]
Wright. N.T. Korean Translation of Acts for everyone Part 2 (사도행전2 모든사람을 위한). IVP, 2019. ISBN 9788932816845. Pub. Price 17,000 won. [8 unit only 386pp.]
안건상. 선교적 성경읽기 (Reading The Bible missionally) , 생명의말씀사, ISBN 9788904031740. Pub. Price 13,000 won. [4 unit 116 pp assigned/ 8 unit 221 pp.]
정수복. 한국인의 문화적 문법 (Korean Cultural Grammar). 생각의 나무, 2007. ISBN: 978-8984987401. Pub. Price 18,000 won, [85pp (4 unit)/ 243 pp (8 unit) assigned]
김태형. 트라우마 한국사회 ( Trauma Korean society). 서해문집, 2013. ISBN 9788974836016. Pub. Price 15,000 won. [8 unit only 368 pp.]
1. Required books and articles (10%) [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1-4] [75/155 hours].
2. Weekly online class participation (5%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1-4] [5 hours].
3. Weekly group video meetings and reports (100-150 words)—synchronous, with groups arranging times (DLAs) (10%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1-4] [15/20 hours].
4. Weekly canvas postings (DLAs) of 100-150words with responses of 50 words (10%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1-4] [15/20 hours]
5. A brief essay on biblical narratives and leadership (4 Unit:5 pages/8pages): Critical reflection on required readings (10%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #2 and 3] [20/45 hours].
6. A reflective essay on bible and ministry (4 Unit: 5 pages/ 8 Unit: 8 pages) : your leadership capacities in light of class, midway through class (15%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1-4]. [10/25 hours].
7. Write a term paper (4 Unit: 15pages/ 8 Unit: 25 pages) per syllabus/Canvas, that integrates biblical narratives, leadership theories and ministry context; demonstrating practical theology method with specific ministry context; includes the students reflection on progress concerning course goals. (40%). [This assignment is related to learning outcome #1- 4]. [20/50 hours]. PREREQUISITES: None.