Sebastian Chang Hwan Kim
BSc, Hanyang University
MDiv, Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary
ThM, Fuller Theological Seminary
PhD, University of Cambridge
MDiv, Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary
ThM, Fuller Theological Seminary
PhD, University of Cambridge
Sebastian Kim joined the Fuller Seminary faculty effective July 1, 2017, coming from York St John University in the UK where he held the chair in Theology and Public Life in the School of Humanities, Religion, and Philosophy for 12 years. He additionally served as a University Head of Research and director of the Centre for Religion in Society. Prior to joining York St John University, he was director of the Christianity in Asia project and taught world Christianity in the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. He also taught at Union Biblical Seminary in India, and was interim director of the Henry Martyn Centre and Henry Martyn Lecturer at the Cambridge Theological Federation.
Dr. Kim’s scholarship interests include public theology, world Christianity, Asian theologies, and theology and peace building. He has authored four books, including A History of Korean Christianity (CUP, 2015), Theology in the Public Sphere: Public Theology as a Catalyst for Open Debate (2011), In Search of Identity: Debates on Religious Conversion in India (OUP, 2005), and Christianity as a World Religion (2nd edition, Bloomsbury, 2016). Books he has edited include A Companion to Public Theology (Brill, 2017), Cosmopolitanism, Religion, and the Public Sphere (Routledge, 2014); Building Communities of Reconciliation: Reflections on the Life and Teaching of Reverence Kyung-Chik Han (Nanumsa, 2012); and Christian Theology in Asia (CUP, 2008). Kim is a fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, an executive committee member of the Global Network for Public Theology, a member of the Society for Study of Theology, and editor of the International Journal of Public Theology.
Two of Kim’s monographs (A History of Korean Christianity and Christianity as a World Religion) were coauthored with his wife, Kirsteen Kim, professor of theology and world Christianity in Fuller’s School of Intercultural Studies. They are the proud parents of two grown children.
- MK759: Mission, Ethics and Public Theology
- ET552: Theology in the Public Sphere
Public theology, Korean Christianity, world Christianity, Asian theologies, theology and peacebuilding, theology and society
School of Theology
Authored books:
Sebastian Kim & Kirsteen Kim, A History of Korean Christianity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).
Sebastian Kim, Theology in the Public Sphere: Public Theology as a Catalyst for Open Debate (London: SCM Press, 2011).
Sebastian Kim & Kirsteen Kim, Christianity as a World Religion (London: Continuum, 2008); Christianity as a World Religion, 2nd edition (London: Bloomsbury, 2016).
Sebastian Kim, In Search of Identity: Debates on Religious Conversion in India (New Delhi & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003 & 2005).
Edited books:
Sebastian Kim and Katie Day (eds), A Companion to Public Theology (Leiden: Brill, 2017).
Sebastian Kim, Paulione Kollontai and Sue Yore (eds), Mediating Peace: Reconciliation through Visual Art, Music and Film (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015).
Maria Rovisco & Sebastian Kim (eds), Cosmopolitanism, Religion, and the Public Sphere (London: Routledge, 2014)
Sebastian Kim and Ha, Chung Yoube (eds), Building Communities of Reconciliation: Reflections on the Life and Teaching of Reverend Kyung-Chik Han (Seoul: Nanumsa, 2012).
Sebastian C.H. Kim & Jonathan Draper (eds), Christianity and the Renewal of Nature: Creation, Climate Change and Sustainable Living (London: SPCK, 2011).
Sebastian C.H. Km, Pauline Kollontai & Greg Hoyland (eds), Peace and Reconciliation: In Search of Shared Identity (Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate, 2008).
Sebastian C.H. Kim & Jonathan Draper (eds), Liberating Sacred Texts? Revelation, Identity and Public Life (London: SPCK, 2008).
Sebastian C.H. Kim (ed.), Christian Theology in Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).
Sebastian C.H. Kim & Pauline Kollontai (eds), Community Identity: Dynamics of Religion in Context (London: T & T Clark, 2007).
Sebastian C.H. Kim and Krickwin Marak (eds), Good News to the Poor: The Challenge to the Church (Delhi: ISPCK, 1997).
Joseph Mattam and Sebastian C.H. Kim (eds), Mission Trends Today: Historical and Theological Perspectives (Bombay: St. Pauls, 1997).
Joseph Mattam and Sebastian Kim (eds), Mission and Conversion: A Reappraisal (Bombay: St. Pauls, 1996).
F. Hrangkhuma and Sebastian C.H. Kim (eds), The Church in India: Its Mission Tomorrow (Delhi: ISPCK, 1996).
Joseph Mattam and Sebastian Kim (eds), Dimensions of Mission in India (Bombay: St. Pauls, 1995).
Journal articles and book chapters:
‘Towards a Hermeneutic for Public Theology: Conversation with Habermas and Schillebeeckx’, in Stephan van Erp and Martin Poulsom Lieven Boeve (eds), Grace, Governance and Globalization (London: T&T Clark, 2017), 28-44.
‘Public Theology in the History of Christianity’, in Sebastian Kim and Kate Day (eds), A Companion to Public Theology (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 40-66.
‘Justice and Peace will Kiss Each Other (Psalm 85): Minjung Perspectives on Peace-building’, Transformation 32/2 (2015), 1-14.
‘The Significance of the Public Role of the Church and a Call for Public Theology’ (in Korean), in Institute of the Public Theology and Church (ed), Politics of God (Seoul: Kingdom Books, 2015), 71-93.
‘Non-Missionary Beginnings’ of Korean Catholic Christianity in the Late Eighteenth Century’ in Klaus Koschorke & Adrian Hermann (eds), Polycentric Structures in the History of World Christianity (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014), 73-98.
‘Mission in Europe: Murure Partnership’ (in Korean), Mission and Theology, 33 (2014), 16-45.
‘Mega-Churches in Korean Christianity’ in Jonathan James (ed.), A Moving Faith: ‘Southern’ Christianity (Sage, 2014), 85-105.
‘The Controversy over Minarets in Switzerland: Religious Symbols in the Public Sphere’ in Maria Rovisco & Sebastian Kim (eds), Cosmopolitanism, Religion, and the Public Sphere (London: Routledge, 2014), 45-59.
‘North Asia: History, Beliefs, Practices’ in Terry C. Muck, Harald A. Netland and Gerald R. McDermott (eds), Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices (Grand Rapid: Baker Academic, 2014), 269-75.
‘North Asia: Christian Contacts’ in Terry C. Muck, Harald A. Netland and Gerald R. McDermott (eds), Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices (Grand Rapid: Baker Academic, 2014), 276-81.
‘North Asia: Theological Exchanges’ in Terry C. Muck, Harald A. Netland and Gerald R. McDermott (eds), Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices (Grand Rapid: Baker Academic, 2014), 282-88.
‘North Asia: Current Issues’ in Terry C. Muck, Harald A. Netland and Gerald R. McDermott (eds), Handbook of Religion: A Christian Engagement with Traditions, Teachings, and Practices (Grand Rapid: Baker Academic, 2014), 289-94.
‘Inter-Asian and Global Missionary Movements’ in Felix Wilfred (ed.), Oxford Handbook on Christianity in Asia (Oxford: OUP, 2014), 145-57.
‘Byungin Bakhae and Western Imperial Aggression in Korea: Changing Perceptions of western Christianity in the Late Joseon Dynasty’ in Judith Becker & Brian Stanley (eds), Europe as the Other: External Perspectives on European Christianity (Leiden: Brill, Feb 2014), 73-91.
‘The Ministry of Reconciliation in an Interfaith Perspective’ in Knud Jørgensen (ed), Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation (Oxford: Regnum, 2013), 160-172.
‘Asian Theology’ in Chad Meister and James Beilby (eds), The Routledge Companion to Modern Thought (London: Routledge, 2013), 623-35.
‘Religious Conversion and Law in India: Controversy over the ‘Freedom of Religion’ Acts Chapter in Christine Lienemann (ed), Change of Religion, Change of Confession, and Conversion within Confession, in Religious Plural Societies (Gőttingen: Neukirchener Verlag, 2012), 693-718.
‘Authentic Leadership in the Contexts of Global Christianity: Pandita Ramabai Saraswati (India), Archbishop Óscar Romero (El Salvador) and Revd Han Kyung-Chik (South Korea)’ in Kim, S. and Ha, C.Y. (eds), Building Communities of Reconciliation: Reflections on the Life and Teaching of Reverend Kyung-Chik Han (Seoul: Nanumsa, 2012), 87-102.
‘Korean Theology’ in Ian Mcfarland, David Fergusson, Karen Kilby and Iain Torrance (eds), The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology (Cambridge: CUP, 2011), 266-68.
‘Pandita Ramabai’s Conversion Toward Mukti: In Search of Companionship, Integrity and Faith’ in Roger E. Hedlund, Sebastian Kim, and Rajkumar Boaz Johnson (eds), Indian & Christian: The Life and Legacy of Pandita Ramabai (New Delhi: ISPCK, 2011), 3-29.
‘The Public Significance of the Christian Gospel in Plural Societies: Some Aspects of Engaging in Public Theology’ in Martin Reppenhagen (ed.), Kirche Zwischen Postmoderner Kultur und Evangelium (Gőttingen: Neukirchener, 2010), 113-31.
‘Pandita Ramabai’s Quest for Mukti: The Struggle to be an Indian Christian’ in Grace Jacb and Paulson Pulikottil (eds), Beyond Borders: Challenging Boundaries of Philosophy, Faith & Education (Bangalore: Pimalogue, 2010), 105-17.
‘The Kingdom of God versus the Church: The Debate around the Conference of the International Missionary Council at Tambaram, Madras in 1938’ in Ogbu U. Kalu (ed.), Interpreting Contemporary Christianity: Global Processes and Local Identities (William B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapid, MI, 2008), 131-47.
‘Reconcilation Possible? The Churches’ Efforts Toward the Peace and Reunification of North and South Korea’ in Sebastian C.H. Km, Pauline Kollontai & Greg Hoyland (eds), Peace and Reconciliation: In Search of Shared Identity (Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate, 2008), 161-78.
‘Postscript’, in Sebastian C.H. Kim & Jonathan Draper (eds), Liberating Sacred Texts? Revelation, Identity and Public Life (London: SPCK, 2008), 141-46.
‘The Word and the Spirit: Overcoming Poverty, Injustice and Division in Korea’ in Sebastian C.H. Kim (ed.), Christian Theology in Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 129-53.
“Hindutva, World Evangelization and the Question of Conversion in India” in Max L. Stackhouse and Lalsangkima Pachuau (eds), News of Boundless Riches: Interrogating, Comparing, and Reconstructing Mission in a Global Era vol I (New Delhi: ISPCK, 2007), 147-68.
“Mission and the Integrity of the Church: Reflections on the Christian Response to the Problem of Poverty in Post-War Korea” in Max L. Stackhouse and Lalsangkima Pachuau (eds), News of Boundless Riches: Interrogating, Comparing, and Reconstructing Mission in a Global Era vol II (New Delhi: ISPCK, 2007), 28-49.
‘The Future Shape of Christianity from an Asian Perspective’ in Frans Wijsen and Robert Schreiter (eds), Global Christianity: Contested Claims (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007), 69-93.
‘Freedom or Respect? Public Theology and the Debate over the Danish Cartoons’, International Journal of Public Theology 1/2 (2007), 249-69.
Differing Concepts of Community Identity: Debates over the “Racial and Religious Hatred Bill”’ in Sebastian C. H. Kim and Pauline Kollontai (eds), Community Identity: Dynamics of Religion in Context (London: T & T Clark, 2007), 107-21.
‘The Problem of Poverty in Post-War Korean Christianity: Kibock Sinang or Minjung Theology?’, Transformation 24/1 (January 2007), 43-50.
‘Dialogue’, Dictionary of Mission Theology (IVP, 2007), 97-100.
‘South Korea’, Encyclopaedia of Christianity (Eerdmans-Brill, 2007), 37-39.
‘”Showers of Blessing”: Revival Movements in the Khassia Hills and Mukti Mission in the Early Twentieth-Century India’ in Won-Mo Suh (ed), Protestant Revivals in the 20th Century and Pyeungyang Great Awakening Movement (Seoul: PCTS Press, 2006), 319-46.
‘Henry Martyn, the Bible and Christianity in Asia’, UBS Journal 3/2 (September 2005), 51-68.
‘The Problem of Conversion in India: Freedom of Religion or Religious Tolerance?’, Connections 9/1 (2005), 4-8.
‘Evangelical Understandings of Conversion and their Implications for Christian Mission’, Dharma Deepika 9/2 (July-Dec 2005), 21-36.
‘Reconcilation Possible? The Churches’ Efforts Toward the Peace and Reunification of North and South Korea’, Rethinking Mission 3/3 (Autumn 2005), 4-14.
‘The Debate on Conversion Initiated by the Sangh Parivar,, 1998-1999’, Transformation 22/4 (October 2005), 224-37.
‘Understanding Religious Conversion’ in Roger E. Hedlund & Paul Joshua Bhakiaraj, Missiology for the 21st Century (Delhi: ISPCK, 2004), 543-64.
‘Christianity in South Asia’ in Keith Brown (ed), Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, 2nd Ed. (Oxford: Elsevier, 2006), 398-400.
‘Hindutva, Secular India and the Report of the Christian Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee, 1954-57’ in Mark Laing (ed), Nationalism and Hindutva: A Christian Response (Delhi: ISPCK, 2004), 108-42.
‘Mission Theology of Indian Christianity’ (in Korean), Mission and Theology, 11 (2003), 103-132
‘Indian Christian Mission Theology: Models for Engagement with Hinduism’ in Mark Laing (ed), The Indian Church in Her Context: The Emergence, Growth and Mission of the Church in a Pluralistic Context (Delhi: ISPCK, 2003), 157-83.
‘Minjung Theology: Whose Voice for Whom?’ in Israel Selvanayagam (ed), Moving Forms of Theology: Faith Talk’s Changing Contexts (Delhi: ISPCK, 2003), 149-53.
‘‘Freedon of Religion’ Legislation in India’ (in Korean), Mission and Theology, 9 (2002), 227-50.
‘The Debate on Conversion in the Indian Constituent Assembly, 1947-49’, North Atlantic Missiology Project, Position Paper 93 (Cambridge: NAMP, 1998); re-published in Bangalore Theological Forum XXXI/2 (Dec 1999), 20-43.
‘Eco-Theology and Mission’ in Krickwin C. Marak and Atul Y. Aghamkar (eds), Ecological Challenge and Christian Mission (Delhi: ISPCK, 1998), 211-31.
‘Ecumenical Endeavour and Mission’ (with Kirsteen Kim) in Mattam and Kim (eds), Mission Trends Today: Historical and Theological Perspectives (Bombay: St. Pauls, 1997), 99-117.
‘Global Inequality and the Christian Church’ in Kim and Marak (eds), Good News to the Poor: The Challenge to the Church (Delhi: ISPCK, 1997), 240-64.
‘Lay Mission and Short-term Misssion’ (in Korean), in Korea World Missions Association (ed), The Vision and Coorperation of the World Mission of the Korean Church (Seoul: Torch, 1992).