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All-Seminary CHAPEL - 설교: Mignon R. Jacobs
2013. 10. 14
날짜  2013년 10월 16일  Wed
시간  10-11 am
장소  Payton 101

2013-14학년도 3주차 채플(All-Seminary Chapel)

일시: 2013년 10월 16일(수) 오전 10-11시

장소: PAYTON 101

설교: Mignon R. Jocobs 교수 

Mignon R. Jacobs 교수는 현재 associate provost for accreditation and educational effectiveness and accreditation liaison officer의 보직을 맡고 계시며 지난 1997년부터 구약학교수로 본교에서 봉직해오고 계십니다. Bethel University에서 BA, Fuller에서 MDiv, Claremont Graduate University에서 PhD를 취득하셨습니다. 저서로는 Gender, Power, and Persuasion (Baker Academic, 2007)과 Conceptual Coherence of the Book of Micah (Sheffield Academic, 2001)가 있으며, 다음과 같이 다양한 책과 잡지에 아티클을 기고하셨습니다: “Ezekiel 16 Perspective of YHWH’s Relationship with Jerusalem: A Story of Fraught Expectations,” in Daughter Zion: Her Portrait, Her Response (2012); “Mothering a Leader: Bathsheba’s Relational and Functional Identities,” in Mother Goose, Mother Jones, Mommie Dearest: Biblical Mothers and Their Children (2009); “Favor and Disfavor in Jeremiah 29:1-23: Two Dimensions of the Characterization of God and the Politics of Hope,” in Probing the Frontiers of Biblical Studies (2009); “Introduction to the Characterization of God in the Book of Hosea,” Horizons in Biblical Theology 30 (2008); “Sin, Silence, and Suffering in the Conceptual Landscape of Psalm 32,” in Text and Community (2007); “Parameters of Justice: Ideological Challenges Regarding Persons and Practices in Lev 25:25-55,” Ex Auditu 22 (2006); and “Bridging the Times: Trends in Micah Studies Since 1985,” Currents in Research 4 (2006). 그리고 또 다른 두 권의 저서가 출판을 기다리고 있습니다: Israelite Prophecy and the Deuteronomistic History: Portrait, Reality and the Formation of a History (co-editor with Raymond F. Person Jr.; Society of Biblical Literature, forthcoming 2013); Haggai and Malachi (NICOT; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, forthcoming 2014). [온라인안내 바로가기]

다음 주 채플안내

일시: 10월 23일(수) 오전 10-11시

장소: Arol Burns Mall

*통역서비스가 필요하신 분들은 Payton 101 뒷편에 마련된 통역기를 이용하실 수 있습니다.

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