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[Fuller Quad 소식] 2020 HE Mission Choir Scholarship
2020. 1. 30

Fuller Quad 에 올라온 헤[HE] 한마음 선교찬양단 장학금 관련 내용을 아래와 같이 안내합니다. 영어로 된 안내문이긴 하나 관심있으신 분들께 도움이 되었으면 하여 게재합니다. 감사합니다.


2020 HE Mission Choir Scholarship Mission

HE Mission Choir promotes the unity of Christians through Praise by carrying out missionary activities through Praise and God’s material blessings. Furthermore, through Christian Praise music, we will strive towards a sound Christian culture throughout the whole world.

The HE Mission Choir Scholarship committee will award 2-4 scholarships to selected recipients for up to $3,000 each.

• US Seminary Graduate Student (Full time, in good standing) pursuing a degree program in Christian Ministry, Theology or Music.
• With family active in Church or Mission.
• Must have received baptism.

• Complete application with photo.
• Personal Statements: Personal testimony, Ministry goals, Financial status, Future plans. • Resume • Letter of recommendation from your Local Church Pastor.
• Letter of Good Standing from Dean or Seminary School or Admission Letter to intent to attend.
• Copy of School’s Annual Seminary student tuition budget.
• Copy of Seminary School grade transcript or final undergraduate school transcript (if new student). Deadline • April 30, 2020 (Award notification by 6/15/20)
• Request and submit all application requirements to: HE.Mission.Choir.Scholarship@gmail.com

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